Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Feb. 15 Duplex 2nd Floor

Mid-way through February, and the upstairs of the duplex is turning into bedrooms, a bathroom and a storeroom.

Duplex, as seen from the RFIS side of the wall, rises yet higher.
The pile of dirt has to do with another project Ron is working on at school.

Mid-way through February, and the upstairs of the duplex is turning into bedrooms, a bathroom and a storeroom.

Climb up those stairs and you're on the veranda, with access to both sides of the duplex.

Enter that door, go up a set of stairs inside, and check out the bedrooms...
Inside 1 bedroom, looking out the door to the hall.  Notice lower left corner, Ron's signature clothes  chute!

And another bedroom has windows looking toward the door to RFIS...

Down below the living space, in between storage containers, window frames wait for installation

Another view of the duplex as of Feb. 15.  From here you can see that they're getting the tops of the walls ready to finish off and attach the roof!

Sunday, February 3, 2013

31 January 2013 - Top Level Walls Begun

It's the last day of the month.  The Running Club at Rain Forest International School have left for their 4 day trip hiking up Mount Cameroon.  And this is what the duplex looks like - from the RFIS side of the wall.

Duplex 2nd story walls peeking over the RFIS wall

Inside the gate, you see that stairs have been cemented in -- just inside the gate as well as along the side of the duplex.
New stairs (bottom) and new stairs up to the main level (middle)
The ramp is still in place for easy access to the upper floors.

Go around to the right of the ramp and see what it looks like below decks.  In the picture below, along the right side you see the last container installed.  The area to the left was supposed to be the 4th container - but it's just bigger space now.  And the space is getting used already to store furniture and appliances we're moving out of the duplex behind our house.
Storage area below the duplex is already being put to good use.