October 11-20 we hosted Byron Amundsen from the Covenant office in Chicago. While he was here to discuss safety and security of our mission staff in Cameroon (having already visited Covenant missionaries in Congo and CAR), we took him on a tour of UBAC and the duplex construction.
Byron and Ron stand at the entrance gate and look over the hostels |
From this spot, they can see both the CMF (Baptist) and UBAC Hostels.
UBAC Hostel left, CMF Hostel right as seen from entrance gate. |
Inside through the front door, we met Dan & Karen, the hostel parents this year.
Karen, Ron, Byron and Dan chat in the dining/living room, at the base of the stairs to the students' rooms. |
A look around the living room reveals that the UBAC banner has been placed in its new home. This is the only souvenir of the original UBAC (Ubangui Academy) in Karawa, Congo.
To the right of the couch and chairs we step out to the veranda where breakfast is served and where Aunt Karen's prayer chair resides.
Then we took Byron on a quick tour of the student dorm floors. In the hallway between bedrooms there is a nice place for linens and laundry baskets - just outside the bathroom door.
Linens and laundrybaskets in the hallway between bedrooms on each floor. |
On the bottom floor we find in the recreation room, a ping pong table and lots of laundry being ironed, folded, and placed in the numbered cubbies for hostel residents to pick up after school.
Exiting from this bottom floor, we look through the windows of the Stoker apartment. And then see the landscaping being done outside their porch. Can you just imagine the flowers and plants that will one day be growing here?
Stoker's apartment - porch (left), wall to RFIS property (right) landscaping in between |